Event Details

14Oct 2020
Celebrating the Spirit of Giving

Mr William Wee, Independent Director of Segen

We would like to thank Segen Construction Pte Ltd (“Segen”) for their generous donation of a new dialysis machine for our centre. This significant gift will go into supporting treatments and programmes for our underprivileged kidney patients, easing their financial burden.

"At Segen, we believe in giving back to society. We hope that our gift to the Kidney Dialysis Foundation (KDF) will provide the needy end-stage kidney patients with strength and courage and assure them that they are not alone in their dialysis journey."

“We will continue to lend our helping hands to the patients of Kidney Dialysis Foundation, as well as the underprivileged in the society in these challenging times.”


Mr William Wee
Independent Director, Segen Construction Pte Ltd